Cities of the Future (2014-2015)

Cities of the Future (2014-2015)

Anticipating Trends and Possibilities in the Future Urban Environment

Project Overview

Cities are becoming one of the most influential factors shaping the future of the planet, as the world population is becoming increasingly urban. On the current trajectory, by 2050 the urban population is estimated to be 6.3 billion (66% of the world’s projected population). As more people become urban dwellers and the global urban footprint expands in the next several decades, it is essential to examine how cities can evolve into the future. ‘Cities of the Future – Anticipating Trends and Possibilities’ is a research piece, developed by Future iQ as one of a series of future thinking papers. It is based on scientific research and trend information. The areas of Energy, Infrastructure, Ecology/Sustainability, Health, Education and Community are explored in detail and are presented in a series of visual images. This information is presented to encourage people to explore how various trends could play out during this timeframe and to consider the potential real world implications and possibilities.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

    • 'Cities of the Future – Anticipating Trends and Possibilities' has been developed to expand upon the work that Future iQ undertakes in strategic planning and foresight projects.
    • The aim of this research piece is to extend the practical development of future thinking by exploring real world trends and examples of applied innovative practices.
    • Future iQ has presented ‘Cities of the Future – Anticipating Trends and Possibilities’ to provide examples of what is possible.
    • This publication is offered as a resource, for people to consider what may be possible in their own cities, and as they explore the challenges and opportunities in the next 20 years.
Inforgraphics on display A vision of future collaboration A vision for living spaces in the future A view of traffic in a city fo the future

Additional Resources and More Information