Clearwater Economic Development Association, USA (2019)

Clearwater Economic Development Association, USA (2019)

Leading with Intention: Creating a Regional Economy for the Future in North Central Idaho

Project Overview

The Clearwater Economic Development Association (CEDA) drives regional development and works with community leaders to build community assets and wealth within the Idaho counties of Clearwater, Idaho, Latah Lewis, and Nez Perce. CEDA works to stimulate North Central Idaho’s economic growth through technical services that make it easier for local businesses, entrepreneurs and start-up companies, and communities to connect and make use of resources for prosperous development. As part of its Pathways to Accelerate North Central Idaho comprehensive economic development strategy, CEDA has contracted Future iQ to provide economic development training services through a program funded by the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative. The project is called Leading with Intention: North Central Idaho Economic Development Training and Community Planning Assistance. The intent of the project is to increase recipient capacity for preserving community assets and to increase community wealth through a set of sound economic development principles and effective comprehensive planning and development.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

    Future iQ has been contracted by CEDA to prepare, develop and deliver an 8-hour economic development workshop that includes:

    • Background research and incorporation of the major economic development principles found in Daniel M. Johnson’s book, Leading Economic Development: A Toolkit for Public Officials and Civic Leaders
    • Stakeholder survey on regional economic development perspectives
    • Facilitation of an all-day scenario-based Think-Tank workshop
    • Debrief meeting and analysis with CEDA leadership
    • Data analysis and visualization of survey results
    • Production of a Scenarios of the Future Report with Roadmap

Additional Resources and More Information