Scott County, Minnesota, USA (2017)

Scott County, Minnesota, USA (2017)

County Visioning and Environmental Services Updates

Project Overview

Scott County covers an area of 375 square miles southwest of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area in central Minnesota. The County borders the southeast bank of the Minnesota River and is home to small cities, farmland and waterways. Future iQ was engaged to work on two projects for Scott County as it prepared for its upcoming comprehensive planning process. The first project involved facilitation of two scenario planning workshop sessions for the Scott County Environmental Services Department. The first workshop explored understanding of the future drivers that affect solid waste management in Scott County, expectations of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and what was wanted locally. The second workshop explored understanding of the future drivers that affect water and watershed management in Scott County. Stakeholders in both workshops considered the potential impacts of future trends on their respective environmental services and created expected and preferred future scenarios for the County.

The second Scott County project supported the Scott County Planning Department in its preparations for the County’s upcoming comprehensive planning process. This involved a community-wide focus group that revisited the current Scott County community vision to assess if it required updating. All three of the Scott County workshops were designed to be intellectually challenging and were meant to encourage innovative thinking using a highly interactive and participatory methodology with an outcome focus.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

    Future iQ was contracted by Scott County to help facilitate two projects aimed at providing program clarity and visioning guidance leading up to the County’s comprehensive planning process. The work included:

    • Pre-workshop surveys to explore local perspectives of the future
    • Workshop sessions that included front-loading information on current and future trends and policies surrounding solid waste management and watershed issues
    • Facilitation of a greater understanding of local perspectives on solid waste management and watershed issues
    • Revisiting the Scott County vision statement, current perspectives and stakeholder engagement
    • Documentation of each workshop with detailed reports that included recommendations for program / department updates in preparation for the comprehensive planning process

Additional Resources and More Information