The Future of Wellbeing Foresight Project, Minnesota, USA (2022)

The Future of Wellbeing Foresight Project, Minnesota, USA (2022)

Planning for global wellbeing – Minnesota leading the way

Project Overview

Future iQ worked with the Global Wellness Consortium, Green Umbrella, Global Minnesota, and Greater MSP to design and facilitate a visioning process to explore Minnesota’s role in the future of global health and wellbeing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened global awareness around not only physical health and wellbeing, but emotional, social, occupational, and financial. Advancements in healthcare and other sectors are accelerating at an exponential rate and now is the time to explore how Minnesota can take a leadership role in the future of global health and wellbeing.

The visioning process included convening a series of Focus Groups and a Think-Tank to help the state’s leading experts and thought leaders across sectors explore macro trends and develop expected and preferred futures for Minnesota’s role in global health and wellbeing. The results of this initiative contributed to a well-researched, thought-provoking foresight paper designed to provide guidance to businesses, government leaders, and educational institutions. The initiative culminated in the presentation of findings and panel discussions at The Future of Wellbeing – Minnesota Leading the Way global conference in May 2022.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

    Future iQ worked with the Global Wellness Consortium, Green Umbrella, Global Minnesota, and Greater MSP to design and facilitate a process that will provide a forum for leading experts in government, academia, healthcare, food, and transportation to develop a vision for Minnesota’s role in the future of global health and wellbeing looking out to 2040. Future iQ’s role involved:

    • Design of an interactive project webpage and portal
    • Trend research on macro factors shaping the future of wellbeing
    • Project planning meetings with project partners
    • Focus groups with key industry and government stakeholders
    • Stakeholder survey
    • Scenario-planning Think-Tank Workshop
    • Scenarios of the Future Foresight Report
    • Presentation of findings at May 2022 Conference

Additional Resources and More Information

Learn more about this Project. Visit the Future iQ Research Laboratory.