U.S. Midwest Agriculture – Scenarios of the Future (2016-18)

U.S. Midwest Agriculture – Scenarios of the Future (2016-18)

Collaborative research project with the University of Minnesota.

Project Overview

Future iQ is working in collaboration with researchers at the University of Minnesota to explore the future of U.S. Midwest agriculture, in particular the sustainable intensification of Midwest agriculture. This project is grant-funded by the University of Minnesota. These studies will be conducted through participatory scenarios, involving key stakeholders. The project will explore the notion that participatory scenario construction is a creative and humanistic activity that integrates and activates multiple ways of knowing, thereby spurring innovation and cooperation. Participatory scenario construction activity will be carried out as a collaboration of the University of Minnesota, The Nature Conservancy and Future iQ. Anticipated outcomes include a more in depth understanding of plausible futures for U.S. Midwest agriculture and how the role of these narratives promote cooperation and innovation in the industry, as well as the development of a broad vision and strategic plan for a new agricultural bioeconomy in the Midwest.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

  • Future iQ will work with project partners in the design and facilitation of the participatory scenario development.
  • Scenario construction will occur during a three-stage workshop conducted during the second 6 months of the project period.
  • Preparation of a ‘Scenarios of the Future’ report.
  • Outreach and workshops will include broad and deep stakeholder engagement
  • Online stakeholder survey and development of a unique data visualization platform to assess participants’ input on scenario narratives for a vision and strategic plan for the development of a new Midwest agricultural bioeconomy.

Reports and More Information

Project Videos

Learn more about this Project. Visit the Future iQ Research Laboratory.