Florida Adventure Travel Network, Florida, USA (2022)

Florida Adventure Travel Network, Florida, USA (2022)

Mapping the Outdoor and Adventure Travel Network across Florida

Project Overview

Future iQ is working with long standing partner, Adventure Travel Trade Association (ATTA), on an innovative situational analysis and network mapping project across the state of Florida. VISIT FLORIDA, the state's official tourism marketing corporation, has contracted ATTA and Future iQ to assist them in developing the Florida Adventure Travel Network.

The goal of this network is to help increase Florida’s positioning and recognition in the global Outdoor and Adventure travel sector. The outcome of this process will provide stakeholders with interactive maps that reveal information flows and patterns of collaboration. The maps will highlight the existing strengths, vulnerabilities and opportunities within the network and will identify the key network nodes (important stakeholders). This allows for targeted intervention which will build and enhance the existing network.

Future iQ®'s Role in this Project

    • Stakeholder engagement is the initial step in this process using survey methodology to reach the existing and potential Outdoor and Adventure network in Florida.
    • Future iQ is using its unique network mapping methodology (FutureiQ Mapper ™) to analyse the existing Outdoor and Adventure network within communities, regions, organizations and supply chains across Florida.
    • Future iQ is exploring with individuals, communities and organizations the demand and potential for a Florida Adventure Travel Network over the next 5 years.
    • Future iQ has produced a project portal as the ‘go to’ place for the project. The portal will host the survey and showcase the final network maps and report.
    • The findings from the project will be produced in the Stakeholder Analysis and Network Mapping report.

Additional Resources and More Information

Learn more about this Project. Visit the Future iQ Research Laboratory.